Smart Collection

A company specialized in the field of debt collection for banks.


About Our Company

Smart Collection is a financial and legal consultancy specializing in debt collection and claims settlement. With over 15 years of collective experience, they offer comprehensive training programs to transform employees into exceptional professionals. They take full responsibility for debt collection at reasonable rates, providing expedited and cost-effective solutions. Additionally, they offer legal consultations and practical solutions to help debtors settle debts efficiently.


Due to the importance of the financial and banking sector in Egypt and its vital role in the economy, our vision is based on commitment, credibility, and integration. We aim to use innovative and legal strategies, emphasizing privacy and respecting the rights of debtors in debt collection operations.


At Smart Collection, our mission is to help achieve financial balance for our clients with banks. We strive to restore their rights to their rightful owners in a safe, quick, and guaranteed manner, without compromising the public interests of our clients. We understand that these debts hinder banks from fulfilling their roles, and we work diligently to resolve these issues in the best possible way, minimizing losses while adhering to codes of conduct, regulations, and laws.


Our objective is to fulfill our clients' goals in collecting and recovering their financial rights from debtors as quickly as possible. We focus on employing appropriate methods and behaviors that contribute to maintaining positive relationships between our debtor and creditor clients.


Our Team

At Smart Collection, our specialized team boasts exceptional negotiation skills, extensive experience, and unwavering ethical principles. Committed, serious, and adept at handling pressure, we prioritize safeguarding client privacy and data confidentiality. Utilizing diverse methods, we efficiently execute debt collection tasks, whether through individual or collaborative efforts. We are fully dedicated to achieving the highest levels of success for our clients.

Smart Collection is recognized as a leading entity in debt collection and judicial execution. We ensure the allocation of specialized teams for each bank we work with, distributing accounts to each collector (ACR).

Our Debt Collection Services

Personal Loans
Personal Loans
Auto Loans
Credit Cards
Mortgage Loans
Micro Financing
Companies and Organizations
Small & Medium Enterprises Loans (SMEs)

Smart Collection System

Our company has adopted a cutting-edge debt collection system
to enhance operational efficiency, facilitate better customer
tracking, and offer various benefits

  1. Improved Efficiency. Our digital systems streamline tracking and management, enhancing productivity and reducing manual work. They identify areas for improvement within the system to increase collection efficiency.
  2. Enhanced Visibility and Decision Making. Digital systems provide detailed reports on operational performance, payments, and debts, facilitating strategic decision-making.
  3. Security and Data Preservation. Our digital systems contribute to data security and preservation.
  4. Data Accuracy. The collection system gathers data accurately and systematically, ensuring precise and reliable report generation.
  5. Performance Monitoring. Daily and monthly reports aid in monitoring performance and verifying if goals align with established plans.

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